50 Days ‘til 50Day 15Writing A WrongAnyone who has spent even 5 minutes on Facebook lately has no doubt come across these silly little quizzes. Of course I do most of them, as it’s a quick few minute distraction from the rest of life. I’ve been recently told I should only be surrounded by the color green, that I should live in El Paso (What?), and that if I were an animal I’d be a lion. This last one makes the most sense to me, as I'm a Leo, August 13th to be exact. If you do the math you’ll see there is no way I'm going to get all 50 blogs in by the 13th so will have to come up with some creative way to squeeze them all in. Creative license I think it’s called. The other day I saw a new one about what my ideal profession should be. Certain it would be something in the customer service or artistic arena, I laughed when I saw the result. Just had to share that here:As I’ve been a hairstylist and makeup artist for the last 30 years it occurred to me many times over the course of my life to try something else. I think its the creative brain. Its always thinking, always wandering, rarely still. I can hardly believe sometimes that I made a life career in the industry as I kind of fell into it by accident or maybe it was Divine intervention. God knew I needed a few interventions when I was a cocky, bratty 19 year old who thought he thought he had all the answers and figured out the secret to life. The summer I graduated from high school I went Ogunquit, ME and worked at a guest house. It was a no brainer kind of job and I wasn’t really there for the work experience. As the summer drew to a close most of the friends I had made were getting ready to go off to college. College? Oh shit. I wasn’t going. I had just made it by the skin of my teeth out of high school and the last thing I wanted was to sit in another classroom for the next four years. My Moms were horrified that I wasn’t going to attend the University of New Hampshire, where they both worked. My Mom worked in the Psychology Department and in Student Affairs and my other Mom had her PhD in Physical Education. As their children, we were both entitled to half price tuition. The only problem was I had no idea what I wanted to do, which shouldn’t have mattered and my grades had slipped pretty low and my ambition even lower to even try and get accepted into the college. I called a girl friend of mine April, whom I had graduated with and asked her what she was doing. She told me she was going to beauty school. I kind of laughed as I had no idea what it was or what it was about and no interest in even getting into it. I had no direction, no money, and no plan so it seemed more like something to do just to keep me off the streets and if nothing else made my family sort of happy that I was at least doing something. We all know it turned into an amazing career for me over these last 3 decades and to this day I still love it.Over the years however new and other interests started to show themselves. They varied with the strongest one being in computer graphics. I loved having a computer that I didn’t have 30 years ago. I loved the graphics, wordplay, a bit of advertising, and even some entrepreneurial avenues. I’ve come up with a few products over the years and haven’t had the ability to get them to market, mainly due to financial reasons and the time it takes to get it there. I ended up with the graphics and put myself through the AA program at Miami Dade College for computer graphics. I have used it for some graphics work, website and logo design. However the industry and software changes almost daily so all the programs I learned on then are almost obsolete now. I can still do some simple stuff but I returned back to the world of hair after getting the opportunity to open my own salon.I’ve always been into writing. It’s very cathartic for me and helps me get things out of my head. Some people go the gym and box their way out of their heads, I write. I'm not formally trained, make typos and grammatical errors, and am not looking to a Pulitzer anytime soon. The trend of blogging is amazingly popular. When I have a few minutes and can read what’s out there on the Internet I'm just blown away by how much content is out there. I guess it’s as simple as “everyone has a story”. And they do, we do, I do. It may not to everyone’s taste and many may not relate but I suspect we relate more than we realize. I don’t do it for the accolades or the criticisms. I don’t do it to boost my own ego or to give me some sense of self-importance. I do it because the words are in my head. The need to get them out is strong. Remembering back over the many years, which have gotten me to where I am today and get them out into words is very powerful for me. It makes me laugh, cry, reminisce. It makes me feel. It keeps me going. It gives me a platform to share my story. I cant tell you how many times the words of others have helped me through some of my darkest days and lifted me up higher than any drug ever did. The simplest of words can be so incredibly powerful. I hope to be able to write those words one day. To either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.jf
50 Days 'til 50 Day 15--Writing a Wrong
in Personal